June 2023 Newsletter
Food Waste Reduction
We are proud to play our part in Food Waste Reduction in B.C. Last year we rescued almost 1.8 million pounds of produce from being thrown away! |
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Did You Know?
The only seasoning we add to the soup mix is salt – as a preservative and so we can send the soup to any country, any culture, and they can season it the way they like. |
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Some cultures don’t eat soup.
Some cultures don’t eat soup. Most cultures do have a type of bread. Many places that receive our soup make it the consistency of spaghetti sauce and scoop it up with their bread to it eat it. In some places, they roll our soup into balls with sticky rice. |
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Nutrition in a cup!
Missionaries have found a way to give nourishment to street children. They know the children don’t have a large pot, and they may not have a fire to cook the soup, so the missionaries grind Gleaner’s soup to a powder. Then they can give the children a mug of hot water with a few power-packed tablespoons of soup powder. They say they are seeing a difference in the children’s skin, hair, and eyes. Nutrition in a cup! |
Volunteer hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to noon. New volunteers welcome! Tours available any day we’re open. 10:15am is a perfect time to come for a tour! Plant closed Friday, June 30th for Canada Day (actual stat on the Saturday) Plant closed Friday, Sept 29th for Truth & Reconciliation Day (actual stat on the Saturday) Our RV spots are open for volunteers. Email or call for reservations. FV Gleaners will have a booth at Abbotsford AgriFair & Abbotsford Int’l Airshow this August. Come on by! |
Current Fundraising Projects
Current Fundraising Projects: Small Dryer upgrades still ongoing. Total cost estimate: $200,000. (includes new burner & controls) New aluminum bucket stools to replace rotting wooden ones: $22,000 Minor roof repair: $5000 |
FVG Events
We are thrilled that we can do events again! For a week in February we celebrated our volunteers, serving Gleaners soup, a bun, and pie each day after working in the plant. We couldn’t run this ministry without our volunteers, and we are very grateful for them! Nearly 130 people came for our AGM and barbeque. Reports were read and we gave thanks to God for another year of vibrant ministry here and sending humanitarian aid around the world. We thoroughly enjoyed hearing Dell Marie Wergeland from Compassionate Resource Warehouse share about the impact our soup is making and how it brings hope and increases the spread of the gospel. It takes a great deal of preparation behind the scenes for these events, and we are so thankful for all those who help to make them a great success. What an example of service you are! |
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Mark Your Calendars!
FVG Celebration Banquet is back! Celebration Fundraiser Dinners Friday & Saturday 6:30pm September 29th and 30th $35 per ticket or $275 for a table of 8 Invite your friends to come learn about our ministry! Tickets available August 1st. Prepaid tickets only. No tickets will be sold at the door. M/C and Visa accepted. Call the office for information & tickets. 604-870-9272 Special Music by Brian Doerksen |
Donations: Fraser Valley Gleaners is 100% donor driven. Your donation dollars help us feed some of the world's hungry by converting surplus food into a nutritious soup mix. Funds donated are used to operate our facility. Charitable tax receipts will be issued for tax purposes on your donations. By Mail – mail cheque or money order donations directly to Fraser Valley Gleaners 85 Winson Rd. Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 8E8 On Our Website – credit card donations can be made via Tithe.ly by following the donate link on our web site www.fvgleaners.org Donation receipts will be processed by Fraser Valley Gleaners. By E-Transfer – to info@fvgleaners.org By Phone - Donations can be made by credit card Call 604-870-9272 and talk to one of our staff. PLEASE NOTE: FV Gleaners is charged credit cards fees, but we will not add the fee to your donation amount. You can continue to donate using a credit card without being charged anything extra. Thank you for your continued support! |
FVG Directors
Don Sears (President), Trevor Fowler (Vice-President), Bill Spyksma (Treasurer), Arden Thomas (Secretary), Bob Neufeld, Jim Vriend, Randal Bartsch
The Bible says: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 |
Contact Info
85 Winson Road, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 8E8 Phone: 604-870-9272 Toll Free: 1-866-772-7070 (Canada and USA) Email: info@fvgleaners.org Website: www.fvgleaners.org Plant Manager - Joel Pasma Office Manager - Malinda Rogusky
Please forward your change of address to help keep our costs down. If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please phone or email us. If you prefer to receive newsletters by email, sign up on our web page www.fvgleaners.org |